Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Dawn Eden - Journey from Judaism

Dawn began her journey to her encounter with Jesus as a result of a dissatisfaction with the "Sex In The City" life style she led as a young Rock Journalist. She began to see that the repeated cycles of relationship formed and ended in this life style did not seem to lead to a satisfying or joyful life. She resolved to adopt sexual abstinence to see if different results might follow.  Being a veteran writer she she began to write about her undertaking in a Blog called "Dawn Patrol". Her excellent communication skills, her diplomacy in discussions with peers and a gentle manner made it possible to engage her peers in public forums on this subject. Soon she was being called by New York TV stations to be the 'Abstinance' person in those news hour face-offs on hot topic popular on local new programs.

Her speaking and writing resulted in her first book, "The Thrill of the Chaste" but also to Christianity and to the realization that what she was seeking was more than abstinence. It was, what Christians call, "Chastity". The book has been a best seller and has been published in several languages.

Her journalist's drive to seek facts eventually led her to a Graduate Class in "Theology of the Body" which is where I met her. Shortly thereafter she formally entered the Church. She has not been very visible on the Internet lately since in discerning her vocation as a Christian she was lead to undertake graduate studies in Christian Theology. She continued to discover God's love and healing and the Holy Spirit's urging to write a second book about God's healing grace, ''My Peace I Give You". 

She was also interviewed on Journey Home This year. Here is that interview.

Her blog can be followed here. Her books are available here.

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